Sunday, October 23, 2011

My Time at The Bronx

Sorry readers - all 3 of you.  I know it's been weeks since my last post but I've been super busy with shows, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and masturbating.

Last week was jam packed with shows - probably the most I've ever been to in a week.  That's one really good thing about Seattle - everyone comes here.  A bad thing about Seattle?  Most of those bands are rich white people who play folk music because it's so meaningful.

Toya and I's Fun Show Time Extravaganza started with Dum Dum Girls.  I wasn't planning on going but I really liked some songs on their new album so my friend Toya convinced me to go.  Remember that episode of Saved by the Bell (or Full House???) where one of the girls thought the pizza guy on the phone sounded hot but then found out he was fat and gross?  Well, Dum Dum Girls had that kind of disconnect.  I guess I don't know what I was expecting but I didn't expect four girls in all black and S&M harnesses.  Pretty large disconnect between the sound and the look of the band.  But, all in all, they put on a pretty great performance.  Once I found out they were from LA, I understood and accepted that there would be a certain level of goth pretension and got over it.

Next were The Drums.  I've always thought there music was alright but I'm no huge fan.  I did like their new single a lot though.  My friend Liz explains it perfectly - "filler band."  I've always maintained that I like their music but that I want to punch them all in the face.  And, if anything, I just want to punch them in the face more now.  The first few songs were going well and I was surprised by how much I was enjoying myself.  As the show went on though, I started to get pissed off because EVERY song started to sound the same.  Apparently, all it takes to make it in the Hipster music scene is some awkward dancing, skinny jeans and being coked out.  There was enough pretension running from the faucets that it could have powered Pitchfork's servers for a whole week - and that was just the crowd.  Don't get me wrong, I had a great time with my friends and had a good night.  I just think that the Drums, as people, make me want to vomit.

Sidenote: The Crocodile is my least favorite venue in Seattle.  A little too clean and too small.  It reminds me a lot of the Bronx so it was very fitting that some crappy band was playing a bunch of songs that all sound the same.  If only SMG was there to hold my hand through it all.

Lastly, Gang Gang Dance.  And that is all I have to say.  My mind is still blown and there is nothing that can describe how amazing this show was.

Also, do you realize how hard it is to find a picture of the Bronx from Buffy?  ~*~pic coming soon~*~

More videogame and fag related newz coming this week

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Gamestop is a Hot Guy With a Small Dick

We've all experienced it.  You meet this really hot guy (or maybe just average but he's really funny you assure your friends), you get along famously and everything is going great.  You decide it's time to fuck.  And by decide, I mean you got really drunk at Pony and you don't remember anything after your fourth Colt 45.  Anything, that is, except the epic letdown of the century.

I'm not saying that size matters but being funny doesn't make up for the fact that I can't feel anything going on down there.  Okay fine, fuck it, size matters. does this tie in to gamestop?

Over a month ago, I pre-ordered Dark Souls so I could get the free upgrade to Collector's Edition.  I'm not a collector by any means but I was like "Hey, it's free."  It also came with a free downloadable strategy guide and comes in a nice metal case so I was down.  Fast forward to the launch week.  It came out on Tuesday but since I'm somewhat responsible, I paid my rent before paying the rest of the cost of the game.  Today is payday so I go straight to Gamestop after work.

This courtship of watching kick-ass trailers, watching the way-too-cool-to-be-my-friends guys at IGN play it for 24 hours and reading the glowing reviews was really getting me all hot and bothered about this game.  Not to mention that I loved Demon's Souls.  Things were going really well between the two of us and I was really looking forward to consummating this relationship.  Just like a third of the guys at Pony before going home with someone, I had a videogame halfie just driving to the store to pick it up.  I was pissed that I couldn't get it on the day it came out but, hey, Gamestop holds pre-orders for 7 days.  I'm okay with a guy/videogame making me wait if it's worth it.

The awesome trailer that also makes me want to die when it mentions the free upgrade

As soon as I give my telephone number for the pre-order, the cashier makes a sad face at me.  My metaphorical boner deflates immediately and all I wanna do is go to the bar and get my fifth Colt 45.  She tells me that the shipping center shorted them 4 copies and since I was one of the four that didn't show up on the first day, I got gipped and got stuck with the standard edition.  Needless to say I did their survey and left them some food for thought.

There are tons of guys that are like this.  Walking around in their not-cliche-at-all American Apparel tank tops and skinny jeans who promise they liked Bauhaus before it was cool to be goth and how living in Capitol Hill is really great because they grew up in Idaho.  They may look like a Collector's Edition type of guy but it only takes one look to realize that, no, they're as standard as they come.  Forget what you have been promised because if you get a guy from a generic chain store (Capitol Hill), then you can forget it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Smoking and How it Makes you a Better Gaymer

According to the really healthy gays who made these posters about how more gay people smoke than their hetero counterparts, smoking is bad.  Even more so, these posters remind me why I can’t stand gay people (a joke…kind of).  These posters looked like club party posters and then I realized it was a gay targeted, anti-smoking ad.  These were plastered up and down Ballard Ave in front of ashtrays at bars.  Why do so many gay people smoke?  Is it because fags go with fags as well as fags go into other fags?   

The point is, for the past few weeks years, I’ve been trying to quit smoking.  How is this going you ask?  In general it’s going well.  I’ve gotten down to two packs a week compared to my one pack a day.  But here’s the hardest part.  I’ve got every trophy on Mass Effect 2 except for playing it on Insanity mode.  The name is pretty appropriate because it makes me want to fucking eat your face off and then laugh about it.  The thing about quitting smoking is…it makes me want to do the exact same thing.   

It doesn't help that this motherfucker is always smoking in ME2

Usually when I hit a hard part in a videogame and have tried to get through it a couple of times, I go outside and have a cigarette and refocus.  I also use this time to think of the gay parts of my life – which are few and far between these days.  I think about what Dan Savage told me that morning (yes, his podcast is directed solely towards me) and about how I hear the word “cock” at work every week.  I also wonder why there aren’t posters to tell people to stop using meth and cumming in each other.  Or maybe those are just limited to Capitol Hill. 

Ever since I have “quit”(ish), I haven’t been able to play Mass Effect 2 or anything else really hard.  I’m playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution and it’s really hard to not smoke while playing it.  Since my new rule is to only smoke on the weekend…I only play Deus Ex on the weekend and spend the weekdays playing some easier RPGs and FIFA World Cup. 

Sidebar: I’ve gotten into soccer recently…is that weird?  Please let me know in the comments.  Or just leave anything in the comments because I would totally love to have a conversation and hear how gross you think I am for saying the word cumming.

Basically what it comes down to is that smokers make better gays and better gamers.  So it can only be assumed that gaymers are even better when they smoke, right?  I mean what’s a little lung cancer compared to getting the platinum trophy on Mass Effect, a game with a platinum difficulty rating of 3/10 according to  And last time I checked, cumming and smoking go hand in hand as well.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

On Games, the Loch Ness Monster, and the 9/11 Anniversary

“Only some dumb fag would be caught playing Catherine.” – IGN user

It’s come to my attention that there are some basic stereotypes about avid gamers and avid homosexuals.  While both really like joysticks, everyone seems to think the two are exclusive clubs that one must be initiated into at a young age.  All gamers my age got into gaming with the Super Nintendo or the original Playstation more than likely.  And as the great Fred Phelps has 100% correctly asserted, all of my fellow queers were molested by Satan incarnate at an early age and set free upon the world to cause 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and the desegregation of the South. 

Someone needs to tell them that interracial gay hand holding causes earthquakes

If you watch such highbrow entertainment as Sex and the City and Will and Grace, then you know that all gay people are bitchy, fashion conscious and FUN (you know how I’m saying that) individuals.  If you have ever met someone who is obsessed with World of Warcraft, then congratulations – you have just landed a sight more rare than the Loch Ness Monster because WoW addicts leave their home only to buy a year’s worth of Doritos and frozen school pizza from Costco.

 "Gotta go bitches!  The line for Skyrim is already starting!"

What it boils down to is that all hardcore gamers are straight men who are slobs and have no life.  It is also believed that all gay people can tell you how to wear any type of headpiece while not spilling their Manhattan while doing air quotes. 

What people don’t realize is this:  gay gamers can be just as gross and disgusting as their straight male counterparts.  And this, dear readers, is why I’m here.  I have started this blog to shed some light on just how disgusting the life of a Gaymer really can be.  This isn’t some life only to be led by a 400 pound guy with 1 friend other than his equally obese dog.  I have a Lanvin bow–tie and I live off cold pizza and my PS3.   I spend an equal amount of time on IGN as I do on The Huffington Post.  I play with BOTH kinds of joysticks.  And at the heart of it all, I am just as socially awkward and socially repellent as any other single, straight gamer.

This is my life as a Gaymer.