According to the really healthy gays who made these posters
about how more gay people smoke than their hetero counterparts, smoking is
bad. Even more so, these posters
remind me why I can’t stand gay people (a joke…kind of). These posters looked like club party
posters and then I realized it was a gay targeted, anti-smoking ad. These were plastered up and down
Ballard Ave in front of ashtrays at bars.
Why do so many gay people smoke?
Is it because fags go with fags as well as fags go into other fags?
The point is, for the past few weeks years, I’ve been
trying to quit smoking. How is
this going you ask? In general
it’s going well. I’ve gotten down
to two packs a week compared to my one pack a day. But here’s the hardest part. I’ve got every trophy on Mass Effect 2 except for playing it
on Insanity mode. The name is
pretty appropriate because it makes me want to fucking eat your face off and
then laugh about it. The thing
about quitting smoking is…it makes me want to do the exact same thing.
It doesn't help that this motherfucker is always smoking in ME2
Usually when I hit a hard part in a videogame and have tried
to get through it a couple of times, I go outside and have a cigarette and
refocus. I also use this time to
think of the gay parts of my life – which are few and far between these
days. I think about what Dan
Savage told me that morning (yes, his podcast is directed solely towards me)
and about how I hear the word “cock” at work every week. I also wonder why there aren’t posters
to tell people to stop using meth and cumming in each other. Or maybe those are just limited to
Capitol Hill.
Ever since I have “quit”(ish), I haven’t been able to play
Mass Effect 2 or anything else really hard. I’m playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution and it’s really hard
to not smoke while playing it.
Since my new rule is to only smoke on the weekend…I only play Deus Ex on
the weekend and spend the weekdays playing some easier RPGs and FIFA World
Sidebar: I’ve gotten into soccer recently…is that
weird? Please let me know in the
comments. Or just leave anything
in the comments because I would totally love to have a conversation and hear
how gross you think I am for saying the word cumming.
Basically what it comes down to is that smokers make better
gays and better gamers. So it can
only be assumed that gaymers are even better when they smoke, right? I mean what’s a little lung cancer
compared to getting the platinum trophy on Mass Effect, a game with a platinum
difficulty rating of 3/10 according to And last time I checked, cumming and
smoking go hand in hand as well.