The Universe had other plans.
Instead of giving me an Asian boyfriend, I got into my second car accident of the year. A guy in a blue Mustang pulled out in front of me on my own street and I hit him. He was a middle aged Chinese guy. From Texas. With a confederate flag iPhone case.
The Universe, not content to just laugh in my face only once, had the only witness be a Ballard Market employee who was half Asian and obviously gay. He just laughed about how many car accidents happen in that intersection, bummed me a smoke (come off it, it was just one) and walked away - probably to never be seen again.
So remember that horrible cliche about being careful about what you wish for? Well it's true. The Universe is a cruel motherfucker. First a horrible Super Junior album and then a chance meeting with a confederate flag toting Asian guy. Thanks.
The good news is, while looking for my insurance information, I found my iPod I thought I had lost forever. Silver lining?
I never tagged you as the boy-band type. But I guess Asian boy bands are a little different, considering we can't actually understand what they are saying, so we can judge the presumably laughable lyrics. Get your dance on Matthew-those moves are fly.