Sunday, October 23, 2011

My Time at The Bronx

Sorry readers - all 3 of you.  I know it's been weeks since my last post but I've been super busy with shows, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and masturbating.

Last week was jam packed with shows - probably the most I've ever been to in a week.  That's one really good thing about Seattle - everyone comes here.  A bad thing about Seattle?  Most of those bands are rich white people who play folk music because it's so meaningful.

Toya and I's Fun Show Time Extravaganza started with Dum Dum Girls.  I wasn't planning on going but I really liked some songs on their new album so my friend Toya convinced me to go.  Remember that episode of Saved by the Bell (or Full House???) where one of the girls thought the pizza guy on the phone sounded hot but then found out he was fat and gross?  Well, Dum Dum Girls had that kind of disconnect.  I guess I don't know what I was expecting but I didn't expect four girls in all black and S&M harnesses.  Pretty large disconnect between the sound and the look of the band.  But, all in all, they put on a pretty great performance.  Once I found out they were from LA, I understood and accepted that there would be a certain level of goth pretension and got over it.

Next were The Drums.  I've always thought there music was alright but I'm no huge fan.  I did like their new single a lot though.  My friend Liz explains it perfectly - "filler band."  I've always maintained that I like their music but that I want to punch them all in the face.  And, if anything, I just want to punch them in the face more now.  The first few songs were going well and I was surprised by how much I was enjoying myself.  As the show went on though, I started to get pissed off because EVERY song started to sound the same.  Apparently, all it takes to make it in the Hipster music scene is some awkward dancing, skinny jeans and being coked out.  There was enough pretension running from the faucets that it could have powered Pitchfork's servers for a whole week - and that was just the crowd.  Don't get me wrong, I had a great time with my friends and had a good night.  I just think that the Drums, as people, make me want to vomit.

Sidenote: The Crocodile is my least favorite venue in Seattle.  A little too clean and too small.  It reminds me a lot of the Bronx so it was very fitting that some crappy band was playing a bunch of songs that all sound the same.  If only SMG was there to hold my hand through it all.

Lastly, Gang Gang Dance.  And that is all I have to say.  My mind is still blown and there is nothing that can describe how amazing this show was.

Also, do you realize how hard it is to find a picture of the Bronx from Buffy?  ~*~pic coming soon~*~

More videogame and fag related newz coming this week

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